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Bowing to Beijing

Bowing to Beijing

How Barack Obama Is Hastening America's Decline and Ushering a Century of Chinese Domination

Authors: Brett Decker, William C. Triplett II
Narrator: Tom Weiner

Communist China is lying, cheating, and stealing its way into becoming a global superpower, and President Obama is not only letting this happen but helping. Here, the authors reveal how China's rapid rise directly correlates with America's decline-and the dangerous consequences this trend holds. Exposing how China is unabashedly threatening us, Bowing to Beijing is an all-encompassing look at China's destruction of traditional American industries, its far-reaching espionage tactics, its strategic military buildup and weapons smuggling, and Obama's AWOL attitude toward the Chinese threat. Our "win-win" relationship with China-in which Obama appeases China so they win twice while we lose-is detrimental to our future. America must stop China's power grab if we want to preserve our standard of living, global influence, and freedom.

$54.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781455119929
SKU#: 15515
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Genre: Political
Duration: 06:39:08
Release Date: Dec. 1, 2011
Language: English