Kids will explore why sleep is so important, learn about their dreams, sleepy experiments, and more about sleep science with this WhaZoodle!
Snore Master 3000
An advertisement for the fake product Snore Master 3000 that helps you get to sleep.
Do Dreams Have Meaning?
Come on a trip to Dreamland, as we explore the history of dreaming - and how science changed their meaning, forever. Our guide is Sidarta Ribiero, neuroscientist and author of “The Oracle of Night.” We’ll travel back to ancient times when gods and goddesses appeared in dreams, visit the offices of Dr. Sigmund Freud, and watch as an 8 year old boy contributes to a huge scientific breakthrough - while he slept. Plus, we’ll send you off to sleep with the three steps to exploring the meaning of your dreams.
Snooze News
Get the scoop on sleep.
The Sleep Camp Experiment
Imagine playing volleyball with electrode helmets, going to bed attached to sleep machines, and having scientists study popsicles made of your spit (“spitsicles”). We talk to the scientist who started Sleep Camp, a study that’s been going on for over 30 years. Join us as we learn what Sleep Camp has taught us about why sleep is so important for kids and teens.
Funny Space Jokes 1
Five funny space themed jokes for kids!
Let's Throw a Party
Call and response party song.
Would You Rather Episode 13
Let's play a game of Would You Rather! We've got some silly questions to make you think and laugh.
Boatman's Dance
Dance song about a man who comes off the river and dances.
Playaway Aerobics: Exercise
Are you ready to move and groove? Learn all about how exercise can help you live an active and healthy life, along with different exercises you can do at home!
I Spy 17
Let's play I Spy & I Hear! Try to find these 5 unique items!
Funny Ocean Jokes 2
Five funny ocean themed jokes for kids!
What's That Sound? Episode 20
Welcome to "What's that Sound?", the game show where we play a sound and you try to guess what it is! Got it? Great! Let's Play!
Yoga for Big Feelings: Rainbow Adventure
Do you ever feel like you have big feelings? Maybe you’re really excited and jumping all over the place, or maybe you feel sad and you cry a lot. Sometimes you can even have two or more feelings at the same time. When we notice our feelings, we learn more about them. So today, Kathryn, our yoga guide, is going to take us to the rainbow to explore our feelings.
Wiggle Wiggle
Wiggle Wiggle - A lively tune that gets kids wiggling, giggling, stomping, and dancing to the rhythm.
A capella song about the slumbering, log sawing, Canadian Slumberjack.
Sleeping Beauty Shorter Version
The fantastical fairytale of Sleeping Beauty.
Playaway Meditations - Mindset
Sit or lay down and relax while listening to a custom, guided meditation from Playaway!
Sleepy Wildlife
This soundscape is inspired by Wangari Maathai. At night, the sounds of the jungle come to life. The wind rustling through the trees, the nearby stream bubbling, the crickets chirping, all combine, making a sweet song that lulls you to rest.