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Llama Llama Loves to Read

Author: Anna Dewdney
Narrator: Reed Duncan
Illustrator: Anna Dewdney
Duration: 00:04:35
Stock Status: In Stock

Anna Dewdney's beloved Llama Llama is growing up and learning to read! Throughout the school day, the teacher helps Llama Llama and the other children practice their letters, shows word cards, reads stories, and brings them to the library where they can all choose a favorite book. By the end of the day, Llama Llama is recognizing words and can't wait to show Mama Llama that he's becoming a reader!

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ISBN: 9781987164039
SKU#: WB000269
Audio Publisher: Penguin Random House
Audience: Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1
Genre: School Issues
Release Date: July 1, 2019
Duration: 00:04:35
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Series: Llama Llama
Segment: Favorite Friends
Warning: Choking Hazard
Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.