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Llama Llama Mess Mess Mess

Author: Anna Dewdney
Narrator: Reed Duncan
Illustrator: Anna Dewdney
Duration: 00:04:47
Stock Status: In Stock

Mama Llama teaches Llama Llama a humorous lesson in cleaning up in Anna Dewdney's bestselling Llama Llama series. Time to pick up all your toys! Why is Mama making noise? Mama says it's cleaning day. Llama only wants to play. Anna Dewdney's Llama Llama is growing up, but he still loves to play with all his toys! When Mama Llama says it's time to clean up, Llama responds like any child more interested in playing than cleaning . . . by ignoring her! But Mama has an imaginative response of her own. What if she never cleaned? What would happen then? Well, Llama Llama is going to find out! Here is a truly funny take on a childhood chore that all children will relate to and laugh at! And it is sure to be helpful to get kids cleaning up!

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ISBN: 9781094258614
SKU#: WB000404
Audio Publisher: Penguin Random House
Audience: Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1
Genre: Family
Release Date: Dec. 1, 2019
Duration: 00:04:47
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Series: Llama Llama
Segment: Favorite Friends
Warning: Choking Hazard
Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.