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On the Fly Guide to Balancing Work & Life

On the Fly Guide to Balancing Work & Life

Author: Bill Butterworth
Narrator: Bill Butterworth

Life is more like a marathon than a sprint. Here's how to stay well-conditioned. Bill Butterworth will make you laugh -- and learn while you're doing it! In the opening chapter of this powerful audiobook, Bill shares with you how, while running his rotund body in a nightmarish 440-yard dash, he learned a great lesson: Life is much more like a marathon than a sprint. The attitudes and actions that result in steady success over the long haul are what make for long-term satisfaction and achievement. To experience this for yourself, you need to understand how to deal with life's inevitable challenges: * The "hazies" -- losing sight of long-term goals * The "lazies" -- lacking the self-discipline to bring life back into focus * The "crazies" -- allowing life to run out of control Each of these can be conquered by a "clarifying triangle": setting clear priorities, learning the discipline of endurance, and reaching the finish line through skillful pacing. It all adds up to a succinct and inspiring guide to balancing excellence at work with fulfillment in all of life. Bill Butterworth can blend humor, storytelling, wisdom, and practical advice, which has made him one of the most sought-after speakers in venues throughout North America. A highly regarded author, Bill has written books on topics ranging from sports to psychology and self-help issues; he's been a columnist, editor, and script writer. Bill lives with his wife, Kathi, in Newport Beach, California.

$39.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781602527751
SKU#: 1691
Publisher: Oasis Audio
Genre: Self-Help
Duration: 02:28:17
Release Date: Oct. 1, 2007
Language: English